It is said that a successful relationship is based on no rules. Well, that’s true but just to an extent; because at times, we do need to set some ground rules to avoid awkward moments and uncomfortable situations. For instance, you don’t want to catch your partner doing something that you’d rather not catch them doing! Relationships can become particularly difficult to handle when you are living with your significant other. And the bathroom has the potential to become a ground basis for any it to end.

It is such a personal space where some people expect total privacy in the bathroom while others are more open about what goes inside those four walls. So we’re here to help you set some ground rules that can help your relationship get through the ‘bathroom issues’ with your partner with ease.

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Knock Before Entering
One of the worst things you can do is to barge in when your partner is still doing their ‘business’. Privacy is important people! If you want something from the bathroom while they’re still in there, try being patient or ask your partner to pass it to you. Respect their space and privacy. 


Close The Door

Until you know whether or not your partner does or does not have any problem with an open door, keep it shut. Boundaries need to be set sometimes in order to maintain peace in a relationship!

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Use The Air Freshener
No one smells like unicorns and rainbows after using the bathroom. No matter how hard we try convincing ourselves, the smell is definitely not the pleasant! So, make sure you spray a freshener every time you are done using the bathroom to keep it fresh for your partner who is about to use it next!

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Clean Up After Yourself
There’s nothing worse than a messy bathroom. It takes less than a minute to clean your hair out of the drain. So ladies, please clean up after yourself after you take a hair shower! And same goes for the men! Clean out the sink after a shave.


Share the space
Nobody likes hoarders. Make sure you have assigned a space where you can keep your own products and they can keep theirs.


Seat Problems
One of the bathroom issues which every woman is bound to face is your guy leaving the toilet seat up. So guys, after you’re done with your thing, don’t forget to put the seat down and avoid a fight that could easily get you kicked out from the bedroom! And in case you pee on the toilet seat, wipe it up instead of just leaving it there for your partner. You made the mess, you clean it up!

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Maybe you forgot to flush because you were in a hurry or the flush didn’t take the first time or maybe you forgot. But there’s nothing cool about finding someone else’s ‘leftovers’ when you walk into the bathroom. Flush. And flush twice if you really need to.


Don’t Leave Clothes On The Floor
After you are done showering, make sure you pick up all the clothes and wet towels from the floor and put it in a hamper so that it is usable and ready for your partner.

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Period Care
Ladies, when you are on your period, wrap up your used sanitary napkins properly in tissue or newspaper before throwing it in the trash can. In case you don’t, it can leave an odor behind which your partner may not appreciate!
Also after using the bathroom, don’t forget to check if you’ve left traces of blood behind.

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These are the few rules of bathroom etiquettes, which can help in reducing the stress of sharing the bathroom. A couple that shares a bathroom in perfect harmony is a couple that truly is meant to be together.